Brewery: Dogfish Head, Milton Delaware
ABV: 4.5%
Style: neo-BerlinerWeisse
Sample Medium: Bottle
Size: 12 oz
Impression: Mouth puckering lip smacking sour from start to finish. That more or less summarizes the general thrust of Festina Pêche. I am guessing Dogfish was generally content with this outcome given that they labeled it a malt beverage, unlike thier other products which are labeled ale. Beyond the potent carbonation and a sustained sour finish kissed with a hint of peach not much else is present. The golden hue of Festina Peche makes and excellent backdrop for the fizzy carbonation bubbles zipping around the glass and the malt beverage also suds up into a lovely white frothy head. Unfortunately this package does not justify the outrageously high price point of $10.99/4-pack in my neighborhood. I am typically willing to shell out this type of dough for Dogfish creations which are crafted with the care and diligence of a fine wine. Being a bit of a Dogfish fanboy it is hard to say, but I would not recommend Festina Peche and I don’t plan to ever buy it again…then again if you want to impress a girl maybe you should get it. Mine liked it.
Here in South Africa we drink Black Label. I think I had about 92 of them last night. I think I might die today.
Thanks for the blog though.
Wonderful! Nice post!
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