Brewery:Stone Brewing Co., Escondido, CA
ABV: 6.9%
Style: Belgian IPA?
Sample Medium: Bottle
Size: 22 oz
Impression: While I understand that this creation basically evolved from Stone’s IPA brewed with a Belgian yeast strain, beyond the name this beer has very little in common with IPA and everything to do with Belgian inspired ale. And, before getting too much further it is worth noting that I am not extremely fond of Belgian beers and if I had my druthers I would consume a hoppy opus. So yes, I am admittedly biased. Keeping that in mind, I am not wild about this beer. For me there are really only two major components I take away from this experience. First, the prominent flavors associated with the Belgian yeast assert themselves. Second, an unfortunately unbalanced and awkward finish follows. It more or less reminds me of overripe grapefruit, bitter and unfriendly. While I typically support adventurous brewing, this combination of styles Stone attempted didn’t quite pan out in my book. If you are interested in an adventurous or unique IPA style seek elsewhere. In fact I would probably just seek elsewhere. If you want to stick with Stone, Ruination will provide you a much better IPA choice and New Belgium’s Trippel offers a tastier Belgian style. At the end of the day I think the only people really boasting the merits of this ale are jaded Stone fan boys. Don’t believe the hype. If you want an adventurous craft ale try maybe Dogfish Head.